Romance Reviews, Interviews, and More

Recommended Reading

Written by Suzanne | Oct 26, 2018 1:47:00 PM

Every blog has a feel, a brand, or a voice. If you like Love in Panels, or if you don't but want some recommendations of others you might like, here are a few suggestions.

This list will be updated infrequently to reflect site closures, additions, etc. 


Women Write About Comics

This site expanded and is no longer just about comics, but more a comprehensive review of pop culture. They review a much broader scope of comics than LiP and have a diverse pool of contributing writers. If you're wondering about a new comics series, a film, or an upcoming television series, rely on them for thoughtful, humorous coverage.


  SYFY Fangrrls

If you like fantasy, science fiction and/or superhero media, this is a fun, feminist, safe space for fangirls. Expect movie and television reviews and recaps, fun speculation, and writing as varied as the media they cover.


Ana Coqui's Immersed in Books

Ana, who reviews for LiP also has her own blog! She reviews books there, of course, but it's also where she's hosted #RomBkLove in 2017 and 2018, where she talks about Puerto Rico, and where she has a list of lots of other blogs you might want to check out. The list lives on the right hand side and you'll see a couple of overlapping recommendations here. 


Corey's Book Corner

Corey is a writer and reviewer who talks a lot about kink, consent, and the LGBTQIA+ community on their site. They are a great resource for readers who want recommendations for books that responsibly handle kink, for reviews that specifically discuss representation of trans and nonbinary people in fiction, and for lots of fluffy/foodie books. Their Twitter feed is also worth a follow.


Women of Color in Romance

This is your one-stop shop for new romance written by Women of Color. You can search the site by subgenre, setting, tropes... it's a really fabulous resource for anyone looking to fill up their TBR list. The site is self-submitting, so authors choose which categories their books go in.

If you follow the Twitter account, you'll also find a list of new additions each week in an easy-to-shop thread.