The Orc from the Office Cover
Title: The Orc from the Office
Author: Heat: Re
Genre(s): Romance Paranormal
Tropes: Office Romance Fated Mates
Tags: f-m monster orc straight office mate bond
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Synopsis from the Creator: Mate-bonding with a co-worker is against company policy... accidentally or not.
Janice knows better than anyone that entanglements with co-workers are risky business.
But when Janice accidentally breaks a co-workers nose, she finds herself unexpectedly mated to an orc, and under Monster Resources’ scrutiny.
Khent from the IT Department is quiet and nerdy, despite the tusks. His emails are overly wordy. He won’t stop apologizing even though she’s the one who broke his glasses.
Clearly, fate got this one wrong.
All Janice has to do is stay away from Khent until the bond dissipates. Easy enough, right? Except…
…Her company laptop chooses this week to need the orc from the IT Department, repeatedly.
…She accidentally clicks on orc porn at work and has to take remedial phishing training with Khent.
…Their bond will keep pulling them back together until it is completed.

Review: The Orc from the Office

[fa icon="calendar"] Sep 22, 2022 4:52:24 PM / by Suzanne

The Orc from the Office is the book for you if you like:

  • office romance without a messy power dynamic
  • monster romance
  • lots of Human Resources and IT Dept. jokes (this meeting could have been an email)
  • nerdy main characters
  • accidental mating

This quick read is a complete story following Janice, a human HR professional at Evil Corp. and Khent, the orc IT tech tasked with helping her out one day. While they struggle to open a stuck drawer, Janice accidentally elbows Khent in the face, breaking his glasses and drawing blood. And because this is a romance novel, drawing first blood in an attack is how you trigger the orc mate bond. What follows is a delightful monster office romance comedy, with just the right amount of steam (hi inappropriate work activities) and a truly sweet exploration of orc mating rituals. I loved how shy Khent is, how Prior didn't feel the need to based his entire character on the single orc narrative we so often get.

Come for the NSFW shenanigans, stay for the happily ever after. I finished this and immediately started the first in the series, Love, Laugh, Lich. Kate Prior is writing funny, sexy romance that stands out in a growing subgenre.


Want to read it? Pick up your copy at Amazon (in Kindle Unlimited) on October 1st, 2022.


Content Note: Janice is wary of an office romance following an office romance with a real jerk at her last job.

Editing Note & Disclosure: I received an early, unedited copy of this book from the author for review. There were several typos and a lot of tense-flipping in the copy I read. My understanding is that the book was with an editor and the final copy won't have these issues, so my review is based entirely on the content.


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