Top Off Your TBR: September 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 20, 2024 11:19:26 AM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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Happy September! Let's eat some apple pie and read some books.

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Top Off Your TBR: August 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 23, 2024 5:18:37 PM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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It's August! There are new books!

I'll be honest, everything feels like a lot right now. School is starting, my partner is starting a new job, my workplace is going through some big change, plus I'm still reeling from the latest floods.

There's a lot to be worried and angry and sad about in our personal lives and in our communities (local, national, global). If you're here in the dread and doom pool with me, I urge you to take some action. It's proven to make you feel better, which is pretty cool. I've been reading the book Bowling Alone in prep for a library event I'm running and it's got me motivated to fight this "epidemic of loneliness." The Surgeon General's report linked in that article is worth reading. This fall I'm postcarding for the Environmental Voter Project and continuing to write for Postcards to Voters, volunteering in my city, etc. Little steps.

In other news, yesterday was my wedding anniversary and we went camping with the kids. If this post doesn't make sense, it's because I managed about 3 hours of sleep and I'm in a post-s'mores energy crash. It was quite lovely to hang out with my favorite people in the woods.

Happy end of summer, friends! Enjoy the new books.

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Top Off Your TBR: July 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 25, 2024 9:23:41 AM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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Look, I'm sharing the July list in July! Turns out I'm capable of making links while I have COVID and can't do much else. It finally got me after 4.5 years. I resent it immensely.

Here's a list of promising-to-me books releasing in July 2024 and a couple short reviews of books I read a bit early.

Happy reading!

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Top Off Your TBR: June 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 12, 2024 7:15:00 AM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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Continuing our new tradition of publishing the month's TBR way after the month is over, here are some June picks that I've already read and more I'm looking forward to!

July's list should be coming soon. Hope you've been reading something great.

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Top Off Your TBR: May 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 1, 2024 10:01:18 PM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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Let's go ahead and pretend I didn't entirely miss the month of May and instead celebrate the fact that I now have a whole bunch of reviews for you? IDK, all I can say is that I finally finished this thing and here it is.


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Top Off Your TBR: April 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 4, 2024 9:13:08 AM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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These TBR posts are apparently replacing my mini-reviews? In this post I talk a lot about some of the April books I've read and then give a list of a bunch I'm looking forward to checking out.

Top on my list of not-yet-reads are Hannah Whitten's Hemlock Queen, Fine Print Vol. 2, by Stjepan Šejić and When I Think of You, by Myah Ariel.

Hope you find something great!

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Top Off Your TBR: March 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 5, 2024 11:18:57 AM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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March is here with many new books!

A couple of changes to these posts for the next several months. I'm serving on an American Library Association committee this year and reading widely across eight genres rather than spending all my time in romance-land. This means I won't have as much time for the blog/these mega-posts and I won't be reading as many early copies. This is a welcome change for me but I wanted to let everyone know because the contents of these TBR posts will change a bit. They'll be shorter and more focused on my personal interests and not the broader landscape.

On to the books.

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Top Off Your TBR: February 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 14, 2024 7:30:00 AM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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February, the month of love and slush falling from the sky. In my house, it's the month of birthdays and overscheduling myself. Also the month of congress doubling down on funding genocide. Maybe by the time I write the next one of these, we'll have a ceasefire. If photos speak to you, take a look through this piece from NPR. I'm aghast at the "activists" sitting in the road to block humanitarian aid from getting into Gaza. 90% of Gazans regularly go an entire day without food. (That's from a month ago. I can't find any evidence it's gotten better.)

The world continues to be a lot. Fuel up.

Here are some books coming out this month.

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Top Off Your TBR: January 2024

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 7, 2024 1:19:10 PM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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January is light on new releases, but February is going to be jam-packed so budget accordingly. In the meantime, look for my Favorite Novels and Favorite Comics posts coming later this month.

I hope you read something great!

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Top Off Your TBR: December 2023

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 30, 2023 8:53:15 AM / by Suzanne posted in new releases

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December is usually light on new book releases and this year is no exception. There are still a bunch to look forward to and I've read a couple I can recommend!

Now that I've finished grad school, I'm hoping to have some brain energy for writing again. This is a short post, however, because I have a lengthy feature due and ought to be spending my time on that. Sigh.

Wishing you well. Don't forget to contact your reps.

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