Getting Hot With the Scot Cover
Synopsis from the Creator:


Cassie Crow, a pop-culture reporter for a TV talk show, is focused on becoming a “serious” journalist. But when she stumbles into a kilted Highlander with a killer accent, Cassie decides that taking one night off from work and spending it with a sexy Scot couldn’t hurt. . .

Logan Reid has built a career on his charm, hosting a series of off-the-wall hijinks on the Web. But when the Scottish prankster meets the all-American, equal parts intelligent and irresistible Cassie, Logan realizes that one night of fun won’t be enough. Could it be that this career-focused, commitment-phobic couple is finally ready to take a chance at true and lasting love?

Review: Getting Hot with the Scot, by Melonie Johnson

[fa icon="calendar"] Apr 30, 2019 9:45:00 AM / by Suzanne

Getting Hot with the Scot is a whirlwind roadtrip romance with a just-a-fling beginning and a swoonworthy hero. Reader, I loved it.

Here are the three keys to getting the most out of your GHWTS experience:

  1. Have a snack. There's a scene with clootie dumplings and cream that will make you hungry. Like, I hate fruitcake but still want this in my face.
  2. Ignore the hero's name. Yes, he's an internet video prankster named Logan, but he is nothing like Logan Paul.
  3. Picture said hero as a ginger Richard Madden, since that's what Melonie Johnson suggests herself. Google image search him. Or just watch this video. You can thank me later.



Okay, now that's out of the way, let's talk about the book. I'm not in a great place to critically analyze it since I'm sitting here in happy book bliss, but I will try.

There's a bit  of a deception plot, since the hero meets the heroine during a prank. (He's in a kilt in a castle and they end up kissing... on film.) He's trying to get her to sign off on airing the clip so he can secure a television contract. This is handled well, and he's not a jerk. There's some miscommunication but it's short-lived, but I know this can be a deal-breaker for some. I'm usually one of those people, but I was fine here.

On the other side is a book full of banter and female friendship, plus traveling around London and various eateries. While some books struggle to balance the heroine's relationships with her friends and coworkers with the central romantic relationship, Johnson managed it well. Cassie is fun to be around, and I kind of want her friends to be my friends. (Logan's friend Theo and Cassie's friend Bonnie are the couple in the next book, Smitten by the Brit.) 

Also includes responsible condom use, a career-driven heroine, and friends who will leave the hotel room for the night so you can bang a stranger.

While the romance starts as a holiday fling (complete with wall sex), it evolves into a relationship that I believe can go the distance. Not just because they want to screw each others' brains out, but because they can laugh together and seem to be genuine friends. The whole thing is charming, and I look forward to reading the next two. 


Content Warnings: Grief over a parent who died years ago, kissing video shared without consent

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