Shop Your Shelves Bingo!

[fa icon="calendar"] Nov 10, 2022 2:32:42 PM / by Suzanne

Shop Your Shelves Bingo

Announcing... Shop Your Shelves Bingo! This reading challenge is organized around one goal: to read books you already own.

Read on for proof that you're not alone, some general rules and specifics about each square!

Sometime during the summer of 2020, I realized I had a book problem. I'd bought heavily into the idea that in order to keep indie bookstores in business during the early months of COVID-19, I needed to buy books from them during the shutdown and the slowdown that followed. My kids were home, so I bought them lots of books and they read them by the armful. I... did not. I bought allll the books, but they sat on my shelves unread because 1) I was reading 80% in audio and 2) I was never alone.

I added this new habit to my already bloated, Audible, Kindle and Kobo collections, my backlog of review copies and the steady stream of new ones. My physical and digital shelves are an embarrassment of riches. My wallet is not.

I know I'm not alone. Let's have some fun as we tackle our TBR piles with a reading challenge!

Below you'll find:

  • The bingo board, with a link to images of different sizes in Google Drive
  • General rules and social tags
  • Explanation of some squares

The Board

Shop Your Shelves IG Square

Instagram Story and printable sizes available in Drive.

Rules & Tags

Bingo runs from November 10, 2022 through January 1, 2023.

The goal is to read what you already own as of Nov. 10, so don't count:

  • Pre-orders that arrive after Nov. 10
  • Kindle Unlimited, Audible Plus or any books purchased with credits after Nov. 10
  • Library borrows, unless you already have them on loan or on hold

All formats and genres are valid.

You can decide if you want to count re-reads, but I want to get through a chunk of my TBR, so I won't be.

You may use a book to fill up to three squares.

If you plan to join the fun on social, tag @LoveinPanels or use #ShopYourShelvesBingo so we can cheer each other on! We'll be chatting through the challenge in The Reader Room Discord group as well, so please send a message on social or email me (suzanne at for an invite!

Square Explanations

Most of the squares below are pretty self-explanatory, so I haven't gone into detail, but they're all listed for clarity and accessibility. Each row's squares are listed left to right.

Row 1

Count Your Collection
Count up all your unread books! Ebooks, physical books and audiobooks across all your rooms and apps. You don't have to share your number, but it'll make us all feel better if you do...

Published in 2022

Part of a Series

Any creator's debut, including cross-genre debuts like a YA author writing adult romance for the first time or a novelist writing a memoir.

A Book You've Been Edging - A book you "can't wait to read" but haven't yet.

Row 2

Bought It for the Cover

But It Was Free... - Any freebie. You can also count a book you impulse-bought used. Pirated books do not count for any square in this bingo. This challenge is for books you legally own.

DNF - Any book you decide not to finish.

Seasonal or Holiday Theme - Any season, any holiday.

Signed or Special Edition - If reading digitally, look for a book no longer for sale, like a charity anthology

Row 3

Anthology or Collection - One or more stories. You don't have to read the full anthology.

Gifted Book or ARC - A book you won in a giveaway also counts!

Free Space

Weed a Book from Your Stash - Delete or donate a book you know you'll never read.

Not Your Favorite Format - Doesn't have to be a format you hate, just not your favorite one.

Row 4

Stand-Alone - Not part of a series.

BIPOC Author

Favorite Genre

Published Before 2020

Animal on the Cover - Shifters count.

Row 5

Recommended to You

Long Title

Self- or Indie Published

Retelling or Has Been Retold

Made You Laugh


That's it! Download graphics here and don't forget to reach out for an invite to The Reader Room Discord or find us on Instagram.

Happy reading!

Topics: bingo