What the Hex was so much fun! Listened to it in one afternoon because it made my ears so happy.
In this one short book, we have:
- reunited rivals to lovers
- big families, big personalities, big opportunity for mess
- a literal demon possession
- only one bed!
- maid of honor + best man makin' out in a closet as a cover for their real activities (planning an exorcism, as you do)
- fashion magic?! I loved everything about Catalina’s special abilities. We so often hear about magic involving force and the ability to control the elements, it was nice to read about someone making clothes that make the wearer supernaturally happy. (And also fling them across the room when they need to be removed faster lol)
Jacqueline Grace Lopez gives this story the perfect upbeat tone and though I wish the rest of the voices were a little more distinct, it was usually just Diego and Catalina speaking and I could easily tell the two of them apart.
In short, this was a lot of fun and I can’t wait for more of this world. I would have liked a little more development of the relationship, but I think it was really well done in half the time of a full-length romance novel.
Alexis Daria never disappoints.
If you'd like to purchase a copy of this book, please consider using one of these links to support the site: Amazon, Audible (Only available on Audible as of 7/10/21, hopefully ebook added in about 6 months.)
Content Warnings: demon possession, Diego's mom did something in the past that led to Catalina losing her spot as valedictorian
I borrowed this book via my Audible Plus subscription.