Matchmaking? Check. Surfing? Check. Falling in love? As if.
Sunny, striking, and satisfied with her life in paradise, Theodosia Sullivan sees no need for marriage. She does, however, relish serving as matchmaker for everyone who crosses her path. As the manager of her family's surf shop in Hanalei Bay, that includes locals and tourists alike.
One person she won't be playing Cupid for is the equally happy bachelorette down the street. Baker Kini ?Opunui has been the owner of Queen's Sweet Shop since her parents passed away and her younger brother married Theo's older sister and moved to Oahu. Kini's ready smile, haupia shortbread, and lilikoi malasadas are staples of Hanalei's main street.
However, Theo's matchmaking machinations and social scheming soon become less charming--even hazardous--to everyone involved. And when she fails to heed Kini's warnings about her meddling, she may be more successful than she ever intended. Theo has to face the prospect of Kini ending up with someone else, just as she realizes she's loved Kini all along.
Love in Panels is two blogs, each with their own searchable database. One blog covers comics with queer and romantic elements, the other is dedicated to romance novels. We post news, reviews, and lots of other fun stuff!