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Circadia Cover
Title: Circadia
Creators: Format: EBook
Color: Color
Romanciness: Definitely a Romance
Heat: PG13
Tags: queer nonbinary character assassins paranormal fantasy
Where to Buy or Read:

You'll be able to catch up when the Kickstarter for Issue #2 goes live, details here:

Synopsis from the Creator:

Circadia is a five issue limited comic series written by Jennifer Dugan. Stranger Things meets Black Swan, it tells the story of a bi ballerina and her non-binary love interest as they struggle to untangle dreams from reality… while battling a demon on both fronts.

While it tells a single cohesive story, it’s presented anthology style, with a different team of queer women and non-binary artists bringing their unique talents to each issue.

Issue #1 launched successfully in Fall of 2017, and fully funded with all stretch goals unlocked. Check it out here

Issue #2 is slated to hit Kickstarter in June of 2018 and will include a catch up tier for those who missed out the first time around.

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