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Dream Daddy Cover
Title: Dream Daddy
Format: EBook Print
Color: Color
Romanciness: Romantic Elements
Heat: PG13
Tags: gaming dating sim gay bisexual dad
Where to Buy or Read:



Oni Press

Synopsis from the Creator:

From Issue 1:

The first issue in the new comic series based on the hit dating sim by Game Grumps! "Much Abird About Nothing."

It’s college reunion time! Who’d have thought that it's already been fifteen years since Keg-Stand Craig and the new Dad on the block went to college? This one’s like a buddy cop comedy, only there are no cops and more avoiding old flames while trying to stifle an existential breakdown, bro.

Heavy Vinyl Cover
Title: Heavy Vinyl
Creators: Format: EBook Print
Color: Color
Romanciness: Romantic Elements
Heat: PG13
Tags: young adult lesbian character of color gay dads feminism 1990s
Where to Buy or Read:




Barnes & Noble

Synopsis from the Creator:

When Chris joins the staff at her local record store, she’s surprised to find out that her co-workers share a secret: they’re all members of a secret fight club that take on the patriarchy and fight crime!

Starry-eyed Chris has just started the dream job every outcast kid in town wants: working at Vinyl Mayhem. It's as rad as she imagined; her boss is BOSS, her co-workers spend their time arguing over music, pushing against the patriarchy, and endlessly trying to form a band. When Rosie Riot, the staff's favorite singer, mysteriously vanishes the night before her band’s show, Chris discovers her co-workers are doing more than just sorting vinyl . . . Her local indie record store is also a front for a teen girl vigilante fight club!

Follow writer Carly Usdin (director of Suicide Kale) and artist Nina Vakueva (Lilith’s World) into Heavy Vinyl, where they deliver a rock and roll tale of intrigue and boundless friendship.

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